Trauma in the Pews:
The Impact on Faith and Spiritual Practices

TRAUMA IN THE PEWS is a practical and compassionate roadmap for spiritual leaders to effectively minister to those struggling with the effects of trauma. In spite of the challenges of our increasingly complex world, together we can create safer spaces for authentic healing and a deeper connection with God.

Trauma in the Pews won the
IBPA Ben Franklin
Gold Award in Religion!
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Trauma in the Pews won the BIBA Award in Non-Fiction: Psychology!
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What Endorsers Say . . .
Trauma in the Pews provides practical guidance to pastors and church leaders on how to break the cycle of perpetuating spiritual trauma and how to experience God and the church as a place of healing.
- Mark A. Maddix, PhD, Dean, School of Theology & Christian Ministry:
Point Loma Nazarene University
But this book is not just for those who have suffered or even simply for ministry staff and laity. Trauma in the Pews will benefit anyone who works with survivors of trauma; pastors, teachers, foster parents, social workers, etc. This book is one of the first commentaries I have read regarding what it truly means for a church to be trauma responsive.
- David Stevens, EdD, Director: M.Ed. in Neuroscience and Trauma, Tabor College
Janyne has given a gift to the faith community. Let those who have ears hear its timely message.
- Kiersten (Adkins) Moore, MA, LPC, Executive Director: Pathway to Hope
McConnaughey seamlessly weaves spiritual wisdom, neuroscientific acumen, and personal reflections that leave the reader hungry to participate in the trauma-informed transformation of the Body of Christ and the individual bodies of Christ.
-Ryan Kujah, Trauma therapist, spiritual director and
author of From the Inside Out: Reimagining the Mission, Recreating the World
McConaughey guides those who are willing to witness the marriage of faith and science into an expansive understanding of how becoming a trauma informed faith leader or individual can result in revolutionary healing.
- Rebekah Drumsta, MA, CPLC, Spiritual Abuse Advocate & Consultant,
Author of When Family Hurts: 30 Days to Finding Healing and Clarity
Every ministry leader needs this book. As a trauma survivor, my heart wept with hope for those suffering feelings of spiritual failure for reasons beyond their control. McConnaughey delivers a paradigm shift for real and honest change.
- Danielle Bernock, Founder 4F Media and Victorious Souls Podcast,
Author of Emerging With Wings and Because You Matter
Finally! Trauma in the Pews is a book that helps faithful and spiritual leaders and church communities understand the impact of trauma on development and spirituality.
- Melissa Sadin, EDD, Author of Teachers Guide to Trauma: 20 Things
Kids with Trauma Wish Their Teachers Knew
This must-read for those in the faith community will provide you essential tools for transforming a retraumatizing environment into one of healing.
- Becky Haas, International Trauma-Informed Care Author/Speaker/Trainer
In Trauma in the Pews, Dr. McConnaughey not only makes the case for why churches and their leaders should be trauma informed but shows how leaders can truly be trauma responsive.
- Julie Beem, MBA, Executive Director: Attachment & Trauma Network, Inc.