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Janyne McConnaughey, PhD
Nov 23, 20174 min read
Thankful: Being Safe in my own Head and Body
Today, I am thankful for so much. My husband who took care of me (no small task), my therapist who believed in me when I couldn’t believe in
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Janyne McConnaughey, PhD
Nov 16, 20175 min read
So Much More than Perfect
Not only was I telling my story to the world, but I was also was putting it in printed form. My fear of being corrected was well founded sin
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Janyne McConnaughey, PhD
Nov 14, 20175 min read
What if I Fly? What if We Fly?
This is really what saying #MeToo means. We are saying that there is nothing wrong with us. The longer we are silent, the greater the power
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Janyne McConnaughey, PhD
Oct 24, 20174 min read
The Day Everything Changed
The day I walked into therapy, I got on a train to a new destination. Scott saw me departing and jumped on board. We have traveled over moun
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Janyne McConnaughey, PhD
Oct 22, 20175 min read
Monkey Bars or Swings: Choice vs. Obedience
I was like a small timid child who was terrified to step out on the playground. I needed God to direct me to the monkey bars or the swing. M
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Janyne McConnaughey, PhD
Oct 10, 20175 min read
The Story My Body Told
The second realization had to do with manicures. I knew, without understanding the language being spoken, that no one wanted to give me a ma
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Janyne McConnaughey, PhD
Sep 21, 20174 min read
Please Look at Me!
“Please, just keep looking at me and I will be OK.”
I was speaking to another woman who also got pulled over ‘for further inspection’ at a
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Janyne McConnaughey, PhD
Sep 5, 20174 min read
Anxiety: Stay in the Intersection!
Then, one day, I was driving across town and fighting the ever-present anxiety, when I suddenly I realized that my mind was in the middle of
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Janyne McConnaughey, PhD
Aug 27, 20177 min read
When God is Not in Control
Outside of an understanding of an uncontrolling God there is no potential for truly transcending the human experience of trauma, living life
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Janyne McConnaughey, PhD
Aug 22, 20176 min read
Therapy: Do I Hear Crickets?
When I include the word therapy in my blog titles, I hear crickets. Maybe I should just randomly include ‘God’ in the titles. Maybe that wou
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Janyne McConnaughey, PhD
Aug 13, 20176 min read
The Church: Is it Safe?
My story of trauma is not unique. Statistically one in four (or five) have experienced some type of sexual abuse—mostly as children. If you
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Janyne McConnaughey, PhD
Aug 10, 20175 min read
Generational Patterns and the Ice Cream Truck
My daughter and I were sitting beside the pool playing a card game. My granddaughter was swimming with a newfound friend about her age. Off
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Janyne McConnaughey, PhD
Aug 8, 20175 min read
Therapy: The Unknowing Knowing of Trauma
For many abuse victims, there is a sense of knowing without knowing. Sometimes a memory floats around the edges of consciousness, but our de
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Janyne McConnaughey, PhD
Aug 1, 20175 min read
Therapy: Finding a Sense of Self
Finding a sense of Self out of a conglomeration of children, teens, young adults, and adults who would step in to lead (without warning when
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Janyne McConnaughey, PhD
Jul 27, 20174 min read
Effects of Trauma: I Was an Underachiever
I was an underachiever. Has God enabled me to live my life and use my suffering to help others? Absolutely! But there is so much I would hav
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Janyne McConnaughey, PhD
Jul 20, 20173 min read
The Classroom through the Lens of Trauma
The doctor my parents took me to was wise beyond his era. He said, “She seems to be a bit anxious about school. Maybe it would help to keep
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Janyne McConnaughey, PhD
Jul 18, 20174 min read
Healing Trauma is Painful and Worth It
The day I walked into therapy, I looked and felt great--but I knew I needed help. A month later I was filling every trashcan in the office a
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Janyne McConnaughey, PhD
Jul 13, 20174 min read
Choices: Because Pools Don’t Plagiarize
Sometimes, as I work on the pools, I shake my head and think, “It has come to this.” Yes, it has come to this. I am a Pool Lady with a Ph.D.
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Janyne McConnaughey, PhD
Jul 11, 20176 min read
A Chat About My Blog
I really could have just pulled through to the other side and never told anyone—except for the fact that I was so tired of hiding. Living ou
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Janyne McConnaughey, PhD
Jul 4, 20175 min read
The Battle Was Worth It
The battle was worth it. The peace and freedom that I longed for is mine. It doesn’t look anything like I ever expected or hoped for, but it
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