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Janyne McConnaughey, PhD
Aug 24, 20176 min read
Our Tenacious Inner Child
Jeannie was and is tenacious, but I don’t think there is really anything inside me that is not available to every human being. We are born t
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Janyne McConnaughey, PhD
Aug 22, 20176 min read
Therapy: Do I Hear Crickets?
When I include the word therapy in my blog titles, I hear crickets. Maybe I should just randomly include ‘God’ in the titles. Maybe that wou
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Janyne McConnaughey, PhD
Aug 20, 20175 min read
Jesus Said to Love YourSELF
As much as we want to deny that an inner child still lives inside of us and is the core of who we are, it is the absolute truth. When I snea
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Janyne McConnaughey, PhD
Aug 13, 20176 min read
The Church: Is it Safe?
My story of trauma is not unique. Statistically one in four (or five) have experienced some type of sexual abuse—mostly as children. If you
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Janyne McConnaughey, PhD
Aug 8, 20175 min read
Therapy: The Unknowing Knowing of Trauma
For many abuse victims, there is a sense of knowing without knowing. Sometimes a memory floats around the edges of consciousness, but our de
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Janyne McConnaughey, PhD
Aug 2, 20175 min read
Feelings: It's Just a Wave
Then, I felt it pass over me like a wave. It felt like I was just outside the place where the waves broke and crashed onto the sand. The emo
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Janyne McConnaughey, PhD
Jul 25, 20176 min read
Therapy Tape: Get Sticky
While my journey through therapy was undoubtedly one of the loneliest times of my life, I am grateful for my husband who became my ‘Therapy
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Janyne McConnaughey, PhD
Jul 23, 20176 min read
Living the Fruits by Control
Joy was always tricky because deep down, I knew there was something wrong. It wasn’t a spiritual problem; it was something much deeper. How
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Janyne McConnaughey, PhD
Jul 13, 20174 min read
Choices: Because Pools Don’t Plagiarize
Sometimes, as I work on the pools, I shake my head and think, “It has come to this.” Yes, it has come to this. I am a Pool Lady with a Ph.D.
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Janyne McConnaughey, PhD
Jul 11, 20176 min read
A Chat About My Blog
I really could have just pulled through to the other side and never told anyone—except for the fact that I was so tired of hiding. Living ou
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Janyne McConnaughey, PhD
Jul 7, 20175 min read
Is it Anxiety or Shame?
I never knew I was dealing with shame. I knew I had excessive anxiety about the simplest of things like ordering food in a fast food restaur
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Janyne McConnaughey, PhD
Jul 4, 20175 min read
The Battle Was Worth It
The battle was worth it. The peace and freedom that I longed for is mine. It doesn’t look anything like I ever expected or hoped for, but it
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Janyne McConnaughey, PhD
Jun 30, 20178 min read
Understand Trauma? I Didn't.
I said, “I need to finish this conversation another time.” To my horror, he said, “No, we are going to finish this right now.”I was probably
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Janyne McConnaughey, PhD
Jun 19, 20178 min read
Mental Health: The Not-So-Golden Silence
I saw her stand up to give her testimony. Everything in me was screaming. "No! Don't do it!" But she did. In exquisite detail
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Janyne McConnaughey, PhD
Jun 6, 20174 min read
Courage Profiles: We Went to Therapy
(Courageous like a Lion! I am meeting many who have courageously gone to therapy and are now sharing their stories to help others. I will...
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Janyne McConnaughey, PhD
Jun 2, 20175 min read
Trauma and PTSD: My Story of Hope
It was natural to think of PTSD being a primarily military problem—until I met my own trauma and PTSD symptoms face to face.
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Janyne McConnaughey, PhD
May 30, 20175 min read
Forgiving Can't Heal You
Some define forgiving as a choice. They say, “Choose to forgive and eventually you will feel it.” I say, you haven’t forgiven until you feel
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Janyne McConnaughey, PhD
May 10, 20172 min read
Therapy: Just Like Falling in the Giraffe House
With the words to a song about climbing out of the rubble drifting through my head, I entered the giraffe house at our local zoo. It had...
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Janyne McConnaughey, PhD
Apr 28, 20175 min read
I Went to Therapy
Staring at the large white Victorian house in front of me, the safety and comfort of my car seemed to wrap around my terrified body and...
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Janyne McConnaughey, PhD
Apr 25, 20174 min read
Dance With Me!*
I always believed I had no rhythm. It wasn’t true, but I believed it. Once, when speaking, I said rhythm had been bred out of me as a...
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