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Janyne McConnaughey, PhD
Jun 19, 20178 min read
Mental Health: The Not-So-Golden Silence
I saw her stand up to give her testimony. Everything in me was screaming. "No! Don't do it!" But she did. In exquisite detail
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Janyne McConnaughey, PhD
Jun 14, 20173 min read
Jeannie Learns to be Brave
From somewhere deep inside of me, I can still feel myself gather up strength in order to be brave for my father. We never talked about that
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Janyne McConnaughey, PhD
Jun 6, 20174 min read
Courage Profiles: We Went to Therapy
(Courageous like a Lion! I am meeting many who have courageously gone to therapy and are now sharing their stories to help others. I will...
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Janyne McConnaughey, PhD
Jun 2, 20175 min read
Trauma and PTSD: My Story of Hope
It was natural to think of PTSD being a primarily military problem—until I met my own trauma and PTSD symptoms face to face.
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Janyne McConnaughey, PhD
May 30, 20175 min read
Forgiving Can't Heal You
Some define forgiving as a choice. They say, “Choose to forgive and eventually you will feel it.” I say, you haven’t forgiven until you feel
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Janyne McConnaughey, PhD
May 26, 20175 min read
Rock-a-Bye Baby: What God Wants for Every Child
When I was a little girl, I had a book with Nursery Rhymes. I still have it. I kept it through all my moves. The picture I attached to this
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Janyne McConnaughey, PhD
May 19, 20174 min read
Messy Closets & Going on a Bear Hunt
We had been sitting and talking for some time—a long time. It was like we should have been friends always, but since we hadn’t been we...
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Janyne McConnaughey, PhD
May 18, 20173 min read
Did I Damage You?
To have our children point out our inadequacies and accept it with grace is probably the hardest, bravest, and most helpful thing we could e
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Janyne McConnaughey, PhD
May 13, 20173 min read
When Dads are Mothers
This is my day before Mother’s Day epiphany: My dad was my mother. I blogged earlier about the difficulty of buying cards on Mother’s...
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Janyne McConnaughey, PhD
May 10, 20172 min read
Because a Teacher Cared
The following excerpt from my first book, BRAVE: A Personal Story of Healing Childhood Trauma, explains the reason I spent my life...
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Janyne McConnaughey, PhD
May 10, 20172 min read
Therapy: Just Like Falling in the Giraffe House
With the words to a song about climbing out of the rubble drifting through my head, I entered the giraffe house at our local zoo. It had...
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Janyne McConnaughey, PhD
May 7, 20175 min read
The Ladybug Takes Flight
Two years ago, I marched in my graduation regalia and knew it would be my last time to sit with the faculty at Convocation. The sun was...
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Janyne McConnaughey, PhD
May 3, 20175 min read
Picking Roses and Cards
When I was a little girl, every Mother’s Day, my mother would go outside and pick a rose for each of us. She would choose red for me and...
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Janyne McConnaughey, PhD
Apr 30, 20173 min read
When the Altar is Not Enough
I can remember going to down to the altar since I was eight.Year after year, I heard the evangelists and preachers say, “Come lay your...
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Janyne McConnaughey, PhD
Apr 28, 20175 min read
I Went to Therapy
Staring at the large white Victorian house in front of me, the safety and comfort of my car seemed to wrap around my terrified body and...
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Janyne McConnaughey, PhD
Apr 25, 20174 min read
Dance With Me!*
I always believed I had no rhythm. It wasn’t true, but I believed it. Once, when speaking, I said rhythm had been bred out of me as a...
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Janyne McConnaughey, PhD
Apr 23, 20174 min read
Writing My Own Ending to My Story
Last week I had the opportunity to sit with a new group of potential friends and tell my story. That was a frightening thing to do...
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Janyne McConnaughey, PhD
Apr 16, 20175 min read
An Easter Perspective: Guilt, Shame, and Forgiveness
Why did Jesus die? Well, first of all he died because religious types hated him for speaking truth that upset their carefully constructed...
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Janyne McConnaughey, PhD
Apr 15, 20172 min read
Why April Licked Her Baby
While watching April, the giraffe, give birth this morning, I thought it was a perfect illustration of new birth and bonding. It was a...
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Janyne McConnaughey, PhD
Apr 10, 20174 min read
A Culture of Shame
While bracing myself for the lurch of the tram at Denver airport, I watched as a young family with a stroller and screaming toddler tried to
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